Friday, December 21, 2012

The Sun is Shining and So Am I!!

I know this is Friday Morning and I was supposed to write this last night, however, after emailing everyone the good news from the doctor, and talking to several that don't have email access I guess I felt I communicated the day already.  So here it is!!!  I'm STABLE!  There may be one spot in my lung that grew one tenth of a Milometer or whatever small metric measurement they use.  But the doctor said it could have just been measured in a different spot than before, or at a different angle so he wasn't worried about it at all.  There is no cure for colorectal cancer, so Stable is fantastic in my book. He told me to have fun, travel, or do whatever makes me happy.  I will go back on the same chemo regiment, (every two weeks, but if I missed one week, not to worry) and that will start the day after Christmas.  I needed to get a couple in before I leave for Hawaii, and then when I get home I hope to get another in before I leave for SLC and Sedona.  I'm so excited about the news and the trips. and I don't know if I've told you, but my cousin Judy has invited me to go to Holland with her and her sister-in-law to visit relatives of Frank and Annie, and then Judy and I will take a train or boat or whatever transportation we can to Switzerland and stay with cousin Karen.  I'm so excited.
Speaking of Karen, I forgot her birthday earlier this month, as well as Sandi (Joe's wife).  They actually share the same birthday, and I feel bad that I missed them.  Happy Birthday Ladies!! Love you both. Hope the Sun Shined on both of you that day and the rest of the new year.
Speaking of Sunshine, we didn't even get a dusting of that snow that caused blizzard conditions across Iowa and southern MN and especially Wisconsin.  Verona, WI got 20 inches of snow.  We thought it was bad last week with 15 inches.
After the doctor's visit yesterday, Annie and I went shopping for ugly Christmas Sweaters at Savers, and then after finding some for Nicole and Allie, Annie also found one for the neighbor girl Jackie, as well.
Whewwwwww!! Right as I was typing my computer shut down for some system updates.  I was afraid I lost everything, but it reopened and low and behold it was just as I left it.  Happy about that.
Any way after Savers, we went to Marshall's  and couldn't find anything we were looking for, but she did buy a couple of things she liked for herself.  She must take after her mother, the last two times I've been shopping, I only bought things for myself.  Oh, Well.
She brought me home and I emailed and called people with the good news, and then did some more decorating of the tree with tinsel  and putting clothes away that Annie had brought up from the basement that was left in the dryer the other day when she was here.  So now I still have a load of towels laying on the couch to fold and put away, and more tinsel to put on the tree.
My friend Jan is here to pick up the scarves I made for her, and I guess I better finish this and get moving.  Love and Prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Mary, what a Christmas gift for you and us!!!! Stable is good, we will take it and run!!! You can run right to Hawaii!!! Congrats, Mary! We can all breathe easier now!
    Merry Christmas and a very blessed new year with good health!!!
