Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Where is the Sunshine?

Cloudy outside but warm and sunny inside.  I had a good day today, I had to get up and start moving early, as I had an appointment to havve my teeth cleaned at 9:30, and Sandi Moinicken was picking me up at 9:15 a.m.  You all know by now how much I dislike mornings.  My dad worked some nights as i was growing up, and Gene worked nights all but 1 year of our married life.  So getting up was never something I was used to.  I remember even in high school when I would wait till the last minute to get out of bed, and Kathleen would be calling for me to get up so we wouldn't miss the bus.  I guess it never got any better.  Anyway I was almost ready when Sandi got here this morning   I didn't have a chance to put make-up on, but figured it would get ruined by the spray of the tools the hygienist used.  So all I had to do was put on my boots, coat and gloves and I was the door.
My hygienist has been the same for about 20 years, and I really enjoy visiting etc....cause she remembers all about my family etc., and I do a pretty good job of keeping up with hers as well.  She gets to do more talking than me....cause she has her hands in my mouth most of the time....but I do get a few words in edgewise, and we both laugh a lot.  I'm sure Sandi wondered what was taking so long, but the time went fast for me.....till laying on my back got to me.  She let me move to my side for the last 15 minutes or so.  She filled my back with samples of toothpaste, floss, mouthwash and a new toothbrush which I will pack for my trips coming up.  They comes just in time..  
After Sandi brought me home, I went to work on doing the wash that I hadn't done in 3 weeks, and hardly had a pair of underwear or pjs left to wear....actually I didn't have a pair of pjs to wear tonight if I didn't wash some.  I put in one load, made another trip to the basement to move it to the dryer, and put in another load, and then a third trip down to take out the first load from the dryer and mover the pjs from the washer and dryer.  But then needed someone to carry up the dry clean clothes and I knew I couldn't do that myself....so I texted Annie and asked her to stop by when she could....and she did. I helped her fold a huge basket of clean pjs and underwear etc. and she was so kind as to put it all away for me.  I really don't know what I would do without my family....and my friends who all come to my aid at my beck and call.  Thank God for all of you....and thank you.
Been watching ""The Voice" all evening, and can't wait to hear who wins.  Must work on some more tinsel, may get it done tonight, and I can check another thing off my list.  The letter and cards will come on Thursday, as I get my CT scan tomorrow bright and early....I don't even want to talk about getting up and moving and being ready by 8:15 a.m. but that is when Bonnie will be here.  Plus I have to get up even earlier to take the contrast drink.  Oh boy!!
Then on Thursday, Annie will come with me to get the results, and I hope and pray it is good, but I will wait till then to write the letter.  So don't plan on getting your card before Christmas.
Love and Prayers, m
P.S. Some more powerful words from my cousin Louie:  All kinds of solutions for last Friday's murderous rampage are being proposed and talked about. Some hold potential for good, and some seem doubtful in terms of their effectiveness. 
Whatever else we decide to do as a country, it seems like it would be a good time to consider our individual acts and words in relating to each other. Are we going to pass on anger, hurt, and bitterness and let them take their due and inevitable course to more darkness and more evil? 
Or might we try to pass on more kindness, affection, genuine respect and love and let them take their due course?
Of course, we need to take all kinds of measures to resolve what ails our society. Some of them we can promote and foster, but no matter how hard we work at changing rules, structures and modes of protection they offer no sure resolution in and of themselves.
There is responsibility for all of us in this. We need to consider the measure of love and kindness that we send out in waves from ourselves and the measure of darker things we also produce. They don't need to be big things in either case, but they travel far and are often magnified for good or ill in others. 
I look at my life these days and see a great harvest of kindness, mercy, forgiveness, love and all kinds of other good that have changed my life always for the better. Much of that began with some small act of kindness on the part of one person, that passed on to another and another, and along the way, was passed on to me. I hope and pray that the bulk of my actions and words have done more to pass on the good that I have been given.
Of course, we are not just the sum total of the good and bad things others have done for us and to us. We remain free to use what we have been given for ill or good, for the benefit only of ourselves, or for the benefit of others as well. When I think about the young man who carried out the wretched acts last Friday, I can't pretend to have any insight into the state of his mind, or the process that lead to his actions. We can't know how much real "freedom" he actually had. 
But we do have freedom to act and speak out of love or hate. The smallest of acts travel a very long distance. It seems like an impossible uphill climb to create a society in which love and kindness prevail, but I am not about to quit trying.  Louie

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