Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Better Late than Never

Spent my morning waiting as usual....7 a.m. bloodwork turned into 7:40....8:15 CT scan became 9:30 or so....didn't get done until 10:35.  Got back to the motel at 11:00 really hurting, as I hadn't been able to eat or take any on my pills till then.  But layed on the bed till 1 p.m. and then Janet and I checked out, and went to Bakers Square for lunch and free pie!!  She'll take mine home for Randy....he'll love it!

I just checked in for my 2:45 appointment with Dr. Sideras the oncologist, but I also have a 3 p.m. appointment with Dr. Shun in a different I don't think I'll be making that one on time.  I also found out that I have to come back next Wednesday to see Dr. Nelson....she was thinking of having me see a plastic surgeon about my fistula in my butt, but she must have changed her mind....cause I haven't heard a word from her office today.  They were hoping to get me in this afternoon. 

Yesterday's appointment to see Dr. Nelson was scheduled for 4 p.m. and Janet and I got down here so early we checked into the motel first before coming over to the clinic.  Then sat and waited till about 5:30 before I saw her, then it was after 6 before they were done with me, and then I had to go over to the hospital pharmacy to fill another prescription for antibiotics, so it was after 7 p.m. when we got back to the motel room.  We stopped at Broadway Pizza and ordered a pizza to go, and then Janet went back and picked it up at we ate pizza in our room while watching the first edition of the seasons Biggest Loser.  Kinda of funny eating pizza and watching a 507 pound man trying to exercise off the weight.

At least I am sending the free pie home for Randy to eat.  Not that I have to worry about it.  So anyway, I don't know the results of the CT scan or bloodwork yet, but will have to report that tomorrow morning.  I'll try and write at my usual 9:30 time.  Nothing else to report.  Love and prayers, m

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