Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Sun is trying to Shine!

At Least it isn't snowing....but it's on the weather map for tomorrow and Friday.  This is Minnesota!

Yesterday my friends came to watch a movie with me, and Bonnie said it was a light, uplifting one....well it wasn't.  "7 Pounds" left me crying....and Bonnie too....Lois said she wasn't....but she probably shed a tear too.  It was one of those that left you trying to figure it out all the way through, and even when it ended with a bittersweet were crying.  Not exactly light and uplifting.  So after that, all I did was lay on the couch and watch the "Biggest Loser".

Today, Bonnie will come back and drive me down to Rochester.  I have a 1 p.m. appointment, but they are squeezing me in, so don't know how long that will take.  No other plans for the day.  One big event is all I seem to handle these days.  But the 2 hour drive down and 2 more back is a pretty big section of the day in itself.

Tomorrow is my Dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned, and Friday the Women's Club is going to the Lyric Arts for a play, and if we want, some are gathering at Billy's in Anoka for dinner....I'm debating as to whether I can sit through both.  But I've already paid for the play ticket.....the decision I'll have to wait till Friday to make.  I can usually sit if I can take the pressure off my tailbone, but theatre seats (old theatre seats) aren't very wide and I'm worried about finding a comfortable position.

Well it's not snowing, but I don't actually see the sun shining....where is it? 

Bucky (my daughter-in-law Ann's dad) is still on track to start chemo next please keep him and his family in your prayers.  He has stage 4 bladder cancer that has matasticized to his colon and bones in the pelvic area.  So it's not something you take lightly....we're looking for a miracle here....but in lieu of that...he needs God to carry him through.....he does have a strong there is no doubt in my mind that God is with him every step of the way.

I'll write again in the and prayers, m

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