Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pretend this is my Monday Morning Entry

It is warmer here than it was in MN, but it actually got colder as the day went on....still not as cold as MN but not great either.  Still snow on the ground, and they are predicting a dusting my hope the roads are okay when we head out of here.  We are in Lexington, KY this evening, and are heading toward Athens, GA.  We wanted to go through the Great Smokey Mountain National Park, but are worried that road will be closed so will take an alternative route....near Ashville, North Carolina. 

We left Tom and Karen's this morning around 10 a.m., and were only a few miles down the road when Karen called and said we had forgot a photo album that I brought with pictures of the new cabin addition.  So Tom and Will were on their way to hockey and coming down the same road so we pulled over and waited for them and got the photo album.  I could have turned around....I was only about a mile away....but it worked out great.  Tom fixed us a big breakfast, eggs, potatoes, bacon and toast....and made a braided coffee cake as well (not from scratch....he isn't that good! hehe).  We pulled into a hotel in Lexington at 4:45....but I guess we crossed a time zone in Indiana and it was now really 5:45.  After watching the news and weather report, we went across the street to a Cracker Barrel, and had a great dinner.  We are now just relaxing in the room....gonna what some TV and crawl into bed.  Hope to leave by at least 9 a.m. tomorrow.  We get a cont. breakfast with the room, so that should help us get moving in the morning.

Bill 1/28/11 and Nick 1/24/11
As you will be reading this on Monday.....Happy Birthday Nick....he is now cousin Nicole.  Sorry your Bears lost today.  So good my fantasy football team was over....cause Cutler was my QB.  But congrats to his Packer's won  (oh yah, and all you Wisconsin cousins and Uncle John). 

That's it for the evening.  I'll write again tomorrow nite from the Schieber Bed and Breakfast in Athens, GA.  Love and prayers, m

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