Monday, January 31, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine!

It is partly cloudy and warm and we are headed South to even more sun.  We had to pack up this morning from the timeshare in Winter Garden (6 miles from Disney) and we are headed to Naples for another 3 days of fun in the sun.  Kathleen and Gary will meet us there, and we should get to see Bill and Carol as well.  It will be the first time the three of us have been together since the family reunion in Becker.

Yesterday was a fun easy day.  We went and played Bingo (a 2 p.m. regular at the resort).  They play 4 games of bingo at $1 per card, and you win half the pot.....then they play one coveral and you win the other half of the first four pots and all of the 5th.  Well Bonnie won one of the first games....but had to split it with she only won $2 but by the fifth game that pot was worth $40 and I won it!  After playing 2 days in a row.....I finally got a winner.  So that was exciting.  But there were only 8 of us playing on Sunday, so the odds were with me.  After Bingo, we road the paddleboats around a little lake for 1/2 hour, taking pictures of some interesting ducks...I'll post pictures maybe tomorrow....and then went and played miniature golf.  Bonnie beat me by 10 strokes!!!  But she plays actual that's my excuse.  It was 18 holes, so she only beat me by one stroke in 10 of the 18.....that sounds a whole lot better.

For some reason neither of us slept well last nite.  The neighbor kids came home at about 10:30 and decided to play outside for about a 1/2 hour.....loudly.  So Bonnie and I ended up getting up at Midnight and watchinhg HGTV for about 1/2 hour before going back and trying it again.  I was awake every hour or so just restless.  But feeling okay today.  We only have a short day's drive.  about 4 hours or less to Jim's.

Guess Bucky hasn't been sleeping well at the hospital either.  They may do that procedure today and then send him home.  I hope to hear this afternoon what they do.  Prayers, Please!!!  Love and prayers,

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