Friday, January 21, 2011

Vacation Insight!

Waking up to -20 isn't as bad when you know you are leaving on vacation tomorrow.  The sun is shining with a promise of a good day in-spite of the frigged temps.  Sorry this is so late in getting written, but I have been on the phone for the last hour.....most of that with Janet and then my neighbor Marrianne who I had emailed yesterday to ask them to keep an eye on my house while I'm gone.  I also asked LaVonne another neighbor to do the same.  So I won't be worrying about that while I'm gone.  So anyway, I better get this written, so I can get my suitcase actually packed.

I managed to get all three loads of wash done in one day, I cleaned the kitchen and both bathrooms, and got the garbage collected and down to the curb for pick up this morning.  So I feel really ready to get this vacation on the road.  I will miss lounging in my pjs till noon each day....but I know that I am not only energized by the sun, but by other I won't miss it much!

Today I will actually put the clothes in the suitcase, and maybe weed out some stuff.  You can only fit so much in a suitcase.  I will have an emergency bag with ski pants, ski cap and extra gloves in it.  I'll be wearing the boots and will have a cooler and bag of food that we can use at the timeshare condo's, and for lunches on the road.  Plus I have all those presents I will leave at Tom and Karen's.....and a bag of clothes Annie is sending down for Kennedy and Presley.  But Karen has forewarned me that she has a box of clothes she is sending back for Matthew.  Then I have to pick up Bonnie and squeeze her stuff in.  Thank goodness I have the minivan.  Actually, I think we'll have plenty space for it all.

I talked to Karen yesterday, and the plan is now to go directly to the ice arena and watch Kennedy play hockey at 4:30 p.m.....then see the store....then go to their house for dinner and open presents.  It should be a fun evening.  I've never seen Kennedy play hockey....only took her to figure skating lessons when she was much younger.  She really loves hockey like her older cousins, Nicole and Allie.....and her brother Will.

I heard from the Zimmer's in Destin, that they have joined the 21st century and do have internet at the house I will beable to update my blog from there too!  So you can catch up on my comings and goings....almost everyday....I'll try to do it daily....but don't be concerned if I miss a day....I'm just having too much fun.  Well off to packing, please keep me in your prayers,,,,my butt and spots....good weather and good roads....and also for Bucky and all my neighbor men who all could use your prayers.  Love and prayers, m

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