Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunshine in an Ice Box!

It will be close to 20 below by the time we leave on Saturday morning.....but then the warm up begins.....for us driving south and for those staying here.  They think we are bottoming out for the winter in the temperature department.  I guess this is the normal January temps for MN.....46 years ago when Bill was born (1/28/65) it was the coldest day of the year!!!  This year it will be about a week earlier!!

I had planned on putting Bill and Nick's pictures on the blog for you last night, but I can't find the camera.  I know Matthew was taking pictures with it after I used it, but I don't know where it went from there.  I took a look around the house again this morning, but I still can't find it.  Need to do that before I leave on vacation.

I've started making a list of things I need to do before I leave and it's not too that is good.  Since we have the mini van, I don't have to pack too light, but I don't want to take along things needlessly either.  I have been gathering things in the back bedroom, and I will put some of it back as the days go by.  I don't want to be dragging into places everything but the kitchen sink....and I have to be able to lift it from the ground into the mini van by myself too!

We're also taking a cooler with snacks and lunch stuff so we don't have to eat out too much....Restaurants get pretty boring after a while when your gone a couple of weeks.  So I've bought cheese and lunch meat and trail mix and bread and lactaid....both of us are lactose intolerant...Crackers and buns and things like that.

I went to Mayo again yesterday....Jimbo and Doug drove me as far as Bonnie and Bob Lammer's home, and then they drove me the rest of the way down. A big "Thank You" to both of them. My butt was feeling so good when I left home.....but Dr. Nelson (even though she thought it looked really good and was maybe getting smaller) worked more aggressively at scraping out the debris and packing it and repacking it again before I left her office.  So sitting wasn't as good coming home....but I have high hopes that it will be good again by Saturday and riding and driving in the car won't be a problem.  They have set up appointments for me to see a urologist and Dr. Nelson again on Feb. 15th when I return from Florida.  I know I'll be looking for a driver for that day, and it will be a longer day than these short appointment days I've been having.  Evidently my ureter is mildly enlarged to both kidneys and they want to make sure it isn't or doesn't hurt the kidneys by backing up into them.  So we'll see what he has to say in February.

Last night I managed to take all the tinsel off my tree.  The kids told me on Monday night that they would take down the tree for me....but they wouldn't take the tinsel off.  It comes off so much faster than it goes couldn't have taken me 15 minutes to get it all off....and it took me days to get it on.  So hopefully while I'm gone on vacation some little elves will come in and take down all the Christmas and pack it all away....that's my dream anyway!

This morning I have an appointment to have my hair done, then I have to have a prescription refilled for my antibiotics to take while I'm gone, and then I'll get to the packing job.

Please continue to keep Bucky and family in your prayers as well as my spots and butt!!  Love and prayers, m

Bill and Nick

Bill with a Matthew matching shirt!  Well atleast they are both red and black!

Mathhew's picture of his dog Jack!
Found the camera under the TV.  

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