Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunny Sunny Day Hurrah!

But it also brings the cold....my computer says it is -11 in Annandale...probably not much better in Coon Rapids. As long as the sun is shining, I'm okay.  I really think I may have a touch of "SAD" (seasonal affected disorder)....cause I really am much happier when the sun shines.

As I opened up the blog and was about to write, the phone rang and it was my friend Barb S. that I mentioned on Jan. 2 as having problems with her new computer and questioning whether it was old age or the computer.....well I officially apologize....it's the computer.  Even the geek squad couldn't fix it in house, and have to come out to her house and fix it tomorrow.....something about too many firewalls or something like that.  Anyway it was not her.

I went to the funeral yesterday morning, before delivering Meals on Wheels.  The funeral ended with a eulogy given by his second son (1 of 7 sons) Bernie, and I was so impressed at the way he told the story of his fathers life....one of the best eulogies I've ever heard.  He ended with a statement, using baseball, that on Dec. 26th he had hit a long ball and rounded the bases and slid in under the catchers mitt and was safe at HOME.  It really left you feeling so good. 

Carol and I had the same route as last Monday and only 7 recipients....much smaller than usual....and were done by 12:45 again.  One of the men that volunteers all the time, asked if I was the women with cancer? and I said yes, and he couldn't believe I was delivering meals....and also that I looked so good....for a women with cancer.  I chuckeled and thought about something by mom always said when people wondered why in her 70's she was still working, "You get old sitting there looking out the window".  As you can tell by my New Years comments, you not only get old....you get grumpy.  I really need to get out and do something with the life that God has graced me to have.

I didn't accomplish much more yesterday, but did talk to Janet, and set up a schedule for the today.  I need to be at her house by 1:45 so we can be at Mayo by 4 p.m.  I get to see the surgeon, Dr. Nelson, again today.  She is the one who reams out my fistula every other week or so.  But it's been almost 3 weeks since I've seen her....as the last appointment was canceled.....because of what else?  SNOW.  So I hope I'm no worse for that.  I'm pretty sure I'm not any better.

Tomorrow I will start the day with 7 a.m. blood work, and then a 9:15 CT scan.....they say 9:15....but I'm guessing that that is the time they give me a bottle of contrast to drink....and then I get to wait....and wait....till I finally get the scan.  Then I have to see two doctors in the afternoon.  The oncologist and the lung doctor.  I hope to transfer the rest of my care up to Dr. Londer.....he is the oncologist at North Memorial HHH cancer center where I had my chemo last Spring.  Then I won't have to drive to Mayo again in April and stay overnight and have my CT scan there.

I probably won't be writing this blog on time tomorrow, unless I find a computer at Mayo to do it....while I am waiting for the scan.  I will try to do that....cause I won't get back to my house till much later in the day....like 7 p.m. 

Bucky may be going home today....so that is good...I'm guessing Wendy and Ann will have to take turns staying with him during the day, as Annette went back to work yesterday.  So remember to keep them all in your prayers.

Love and prayers, m

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