Have my annual Christmas Party with great friends Jan Ranum, Cheri Gardner and Barb Skierecki. They will come for Brunch. I'm pretty ready....just a little more cooking to get done, but can't finish that till they get here. I'm guessing this is the 35th year for this celebration....but it's only at my house every 4 years. Two of us live North of the cities and two live South, so we have set it up so we go North one year and South the next. This year it will be cold....but we will have plenty of sunshine and Sonshine both inside and outside my house.
Last night I went with Bill to the Coon Rapids Alumni Wrestling Meet. No, none of the Alums got to wrestle, although Bill thought it might be fun for a minute....but for sure not six minutes. He remembers them as the longest six minutes of your life. I found I got back in the posture of a wrestling mom, and I was leaning and squirming in my seat like I did when I was watching my own kids....it doesn't matter if their your kids or not. I loved seeing some of the old gang, Murph, Timmy, Dowling, Jeff Board and lots of others. Even got to talk to some of their parents, like Mr. Koffski and Ron Scott. They didn't have time to introduce all the Alumni individually, but they did get to gather on the floor and took a picture. Their must have been seventy or eighty of them there. Also a few of the old coaches....Bob Board and Mr. Hyland. Fun evening reminising with them all.
I could go to a ARCC get together tonite up at Billy's in Anoka, but I don't know if I'll be up to going out in the cold this evening. We'll see what the day brings. It's supposed to be below zero in double digits by morning, so staying warm on my own comfy couch might sound really good.
Church in the morning tomorrow, and then we get to go to a baby shower for neice Carrie who is having her first baby. One which she has worked to get for years now. Baby is due next month....and they are already talking about having another as soon as possible. I am so happy for them.
But now it's time to get my shower and get dressed before the company comes at 10 a.m. Love and prayers, m
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