Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 couldn't come soon enough.  Last night has to be the worst New Years Eve I've ever had.  I've never celebrated New Years Eve by myself!...and I hope never to do it again.  Then on top of that I got a call from Jimbo that his father-in-law Bucky was back in the hospital.  Blood clots in his lungs!!  So not only did he spend Christmas in the Hospital....but now New Years Eve too.  They think he will be there about five days.  Fortunately because of the winter storm in Northern MN where his brothers live, they decided to put off their trip and Christmas dinner till next weekend.

I woke to snow!!  The only good thing about it is that everything looks clean and white again....maybe a reminder from God that 2010 is gone and we are starting fresh in 2011.  It's a very light snow, and they don't predict much....but the wind may be the problem today....making windchills of -17.  Today is looking like another boring day.  I do have some shopping I could do....but I don't know if I want to go out in the cold, however, if I don't do it today I have to do it tomorrow....and they aren't predicting it to be any better in that department either.  So we'll see.  I have to get dressed and go to church in the morning, so maybe that will be my incentive to do the shopping as well.  I need groceries and I also need to buy a few gifts, two birthdays in Jan. and a baby shower.

Here's hoping that 2011 will be happy and healthy for all!! Keep those thoughts and prayers coming.  Love and prayers, m

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