Hurrah!!! We have sunshine this morning. Sunshine makes me smile!! That and the roar of the neighbor blowing out my drive-way for the umpteenth time. What a guy!!! Just like the snow.....he doesn't give up. But I hear we will have a snow free more planned till Monday.
I did go to both the dinner and the play last night with the North Suburban Women's Club. A nice group of women, and a group I've belonged to for about 20 years. Unfortunately I haven't been able to be very active like I was.....but I still like getting together with them all. I did manage to sit through dinner without a problem....but the play was another thing. Those seats are not condusive to lounging in. The play "Almost Maine" was cute and did keep you that helped. I was happy to stand up at the end....and then I had to go outside and clean off my car so I could drive home....but thankfully the snow had stopped. Getting to the restaurant was quite an achievement in itself. It took me 5 minutes just to get onto Hwy 10 where the traffic was sometimes totally stopped and mostly at a crawl. It shouldn't have taken me more than 10 minutes to get there....but ended up taking me 25 minutes. I don't know if the police had someone pulled over?....or if there had been an accident? But by the time I got to the scene....the police were the only one pulled to the side of the road. Auuuuugggghhhhh.!!!!
It's such a beautiful day....I'll have to figure out something to do. Kathleen seems to think I do too much laundry.....but it's really that I avoid doing laundry....and leave it in the tub a day or so, then I put it in the dryer and forget to turn the dryer on.....another auuuggghhhh! But it does finally get done, and it's no longer sitting on my couch waiting to be put what should I do today?
I do need to fill the bird feeder so those squirrels have something to they aren't fat enough yet. Maybe I'll see if there is a hockey game to go to.
Tomorrow I get to continue the unending Christmas. The Kieckers will gather at Dr. Lynn's's been postponed several times, but I really think it is going to happen this time. Next Saturday I think it will finally come to an end.....I'll get to watch the Chicago Kiecker's open their presents. Bonnie and I are going to spend our first night with them. I can't wait....the highlight of my trip!!!....even though I'll have fun the rest of the 18 days....nothing can beat that!
Well must go see what God is going to surprise me with today! Love and prayers, m
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