Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow, Snow Go Away!

The only consolation (if that) is that we aren't the only ones getting it.....and we are only the recipients of a few new inches.....some like Georgia and the east coast have really gotten hit hard.  The other is that Minnesota is used to it....and have the equipment to handle it.  Even my driveway was plowed early this morning, and then the street was plowed a little while ago, and the nice man across the street is back out blowing the bottom of the driveways (4 of them) where the street plow left a big ridge.  We are so lucky to have this man taking care of a bunch of neighbors.  Last night the 6 year old little boy from across the street was also over with his shovel clearing off my driveway.  He rang the door bell and told me he had done it, and I gave him a candy cane, even though he was happy to do it for free.  What a cutie!!

I went to lunch yesterday with the retirees....no wannabees there.  A few have left for the warmer climates, and a few are leaving next week....but we still managed to have 8 of us there.  All of us are still loving retirement and enjoy getting together and discussing why we are so happy.  I rallied up some more prayers too.  I can always use a few more of them.

I finally talked to Mayo (Dr. Nelson's assistant, Kathy) and rescheduled yet again my appointment to see Dr. Nelson this week and set up one for next week as well.  I told her about the vacation and she suggested I take antiviotics while I am gone to make sure I don't get set back in healing with being gone almost 3 weeks.  I will not be going down on Friday this week (when they are predicting a bigger snow event again) but on Wednesday, and then on Tuesday nest week.  My friend Bonnie Sass (who I will be traveling with) will drive me down tomorrow afternoon, and Bonnie and Bob Lammers will take me next Tuesday.  Jimbo said he would drive me as far as their place in Rosemont and then they will bring me home when we are done at Mayo.  In the morning they avoid driving through rush hour traffic to get up north to pick me up and then driving back through it again.  They can also sleep in an hour or so later.  So thank you for all the drivers....I won't have to worry about that now till I come back mid February.

Today, Bonnie and Lois are coming to watch a movie at my house.  Bonnie picked it up at the library for us....I can't remember which one it is, but it's a light happy one.  Lois (who is really retired) is back working part-time at the college in place of a secretary that had a kidney transplant before the holidays.  This is the first week of the semester, so I'm guessing she will have plenty to do.  Anyway she works till 2:30, so they won't come till after that.  I could go out for dinner with the First Friday group....but it will depend on how long the movie and company goes.  I'm thinking I just may stay home. 

Tomorrow I have Mayo trip, and then on Thursday morning I have a dentist appointment.  So I will be plenty busy. 

My butt is still aching...hasn't responded as quickly to the antibiotics as the last time I was on them....either that or Dr. Nelson has been more aggressive in reaming it out.  So keep praying!  Love and prayers, m

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