Friday, December 31, 2010

December is Finally Coming to an End!

What a month of weather!!  They are talking about another storm coming thru this afternoon....just so December goes out with another one.  I can't wait till 2011.  It has to get can't get much worse!!  I also am looking forward to 2011 for better health.  Many good things happened this year in my life, but it has really been a roller coaster of events.  Lows of cancer and highs of the cabin addition.  But even the highs of the cabin had it's lows.....trying to get the permit....taking down our new deck....cutting down 6 Cedars and then the wind taking 3 more.....and the lows of cancer had it's highs....lungs being clear of all spots....Mayo agreeing to do my surgery.....and then actually surviving the surgery and coming home....then the low of getting the news that Bucky's cancer has returned with a vengeance.  Other highs were Tom and Karen openning their new store....and the low of it not allowing them to come home for Christmas for the first time.  The high of Loretta coming to Minnesota for the Cousins Christmas, only to have it cancelled by SNOW.  Life is just a bunch of ups and downs.  Here is hoping that 2011 has more highs than lows.

Okay enough of that.....God will take care of those lows!!  Without my faith in God I'd be a mess.....He lets my polyanna show through.

I was hoping to have a Bunko party this evening....but haven't heard from anyone that they are coming, so I guess it will be a quiet evening.  Was supposed to go to the Kiecker's on Sunday for our Christmas but due to our crazy lives, a funeral, and other things getting in the way it has been pushed off till Jan. 16 we think.  I can't believe how hard it is to get a group of people together.

Nothing else to butt isn't great....but it isn't horrid's just constant.  Hoping you all a Happy Healthy New Year and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you all for getting me to Dec. 31, 2010.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Rain has Come!

36 degrees and the precipitation has turned to rain.  The only good I see so far is that it has removed many of the ice cycles from the edge of my roof.  But the snow already looks dirty, and it's gray and damp out.  Not the kind of day that inspires you to get up out of your chair.  One thing sitting in this chair does is gives me a great view of the birds flocking to my feeder.  I think there must have been a dozen chicadees here already this morning, along with a nuthatch and a downy woodpecker.  So that makes me happy.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, did a few loads of laundry, added up all the miles I've driven to doctor appointments and trips to Mayo....came to over 5000 miles.  Jim and Ann stopped by for a short visit, and to pick up the pants I mended.  Jimbo also helped me find a new belt for my vacuum on the internet which I ordered.  I had gone to Ace Hardware, and they ordered me a belt....but it was about 6 inches too short.  No way Jimbo could stretch it to get it on.  So hopefully it won't take long to the floor really needs a good vacuuming. 

As soon as they left, Annie called and needed me to run to her house and find some pizza's in her car and take them down to the freezer.  Which I did....funny I got down to the laundry room where the freezer is, but couldn't find the light switch, so I stepped back out into the hall, to see the phone so I could call Annie, and as soon as I dialed the number I saw the switch on the wall in the hall.  I hung up quickly and made my way to the freezer.  That was the only excitement for the day.

Today will be much the same....oh....I did get some good news in the mail yesterday.  The Court system has granted my request to postpone my jury duty till April 4.....and I got a raise on my state pension plan.  Whoopee.....about $25 extra dollars a month.

Bucky seems to be recovering from his surgery, and is enjoying all the company that can now that he is back home.  It sounds like a steady stream of well wishers.  Gods love is surrounding him.  Please keep the thoughts and prayers going his way.

Well, I better get out of this chair and do something...maybe even take a shower and get dressed.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wow Sunshine Three Days in a Row!

I love to see the sun makes me feel so is going to bring rain.....and ice....and then more snow.....uuuggghhhh.  The polyanna in me says enjoy today....and worry about tomorrow I'm smiling at the sun today!!!  That and chasing the squirrels away from my new wreath of bird food that they finally discovered.  So far I'm doing a pretty good job, but I'm afraid as soon as I move away from the window he'll sneek back and eat the whole thing before the birds get it.

Not a lot happened yesterday.  I did some cleaning of the lower level, mended some jeans for Ann H. and shortened Nicole's flannel pants I gave her for Christmas.  Then Annie called and asked if I would watch Matthew while they went to the hockey tournament in Edina that Nicole and the Varsity teams were in?  Matthew voted to come to my house, so he could play his new games with me.....and beat me.....which he did.  Both in Toy Story Yahtzee and in Cootie.  In my defense he only beat me by one point in Yahtzee and I think he cheated in else could it happen?  I got to watch the Vikings actually win too so it was a good day all around.

Today I have absolutely nothing planned.  Well I do have laundry to do....but that's not exciting.  My butt seems to be holding steady.  No worse.  I don't go down to Mayo till next Tuesday, so I have a whole week before they mess with it again.  I also have my quarterly CT scan on Wednesday, so prayers needed that it is clean.  It's always scary....thoughts that they might find something new....sneak into my mind.  But I am feeling those Pollyanna thoughts need to keep overriding the scary ones.

That's all folks, love and prayers, m

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Sun is Shining! Again!

Two days in a row!!!  They are predicting it to be near 40 degrees by Thursday...but they are also predicting rain!  We are going to have one big skating rink on Friday.  They are also predicting 12 degrees on Saturday.  But the snow and cold temps as far south as Florida makes me think it isn't so bad hear at all.  At least our homes and road clearing trucks are all made for the snow and cold.

Yesterday I did get my Meals on Wheels delivered in probably record time....well I only had 8 meals to deliver.  Then Bonnie Sass came over and we made our final arrangements for the trip to points south and warmer weather (we hope).  Got word back from all that confirmed our date changes are going to work for all those we are staying with.  So I think it is all set....we leave on Jan. 22 now, a few days earlier than originally planned, but Bonnie had to use her timeshare points by Jan. 31, so to make all the other things fit, we had to leave a few days earlier than originally planned.  I'm starting to get excited.  I sure hope we have some good driving weather.  I don't plan on 80's or 90's.....but some 60's would be nice.

Today I need to go down and pick up the basement....after the gathering on Sunday night....mostly vacuuming is needed.  But I may have to wash that table cloth under the chocolate fountain....some of that chocolate didn't make it to those mouths.  I really was surprised that there is only a few drops!  The room actually looks pretty good on the whole.  It won't take me long to do.  I also need to shorten Colie's flannels jamie pants.  I pre-shortened all the boys, but I didn't think about the girls.  The Kiecker trait....short found in both sexes.

I brought all my pictures up yesterday and propped them up on the loveseat so I can look at them.  It is so fun.  They did such a good job of picking out the great moments we share at the cabin.  I love them all.

Well I better get started....or I'll be sitting in this chair all day.  Buck came home from Rochester yesterday, so re-cooping from the surgery is going well.  All the prayers must be working.  Please keep them coming.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, December 27, 2010

It's a Sunshine Day!

Slept in this morning till 9:15 and got on the computer only to have it freeze up on my and took about a half hour before I got it up and running properly.  So that is why this is so late in coming.  I awoke with the thought of staying in my pjs all day....but soon realized that I have to do Meals on Wheels today.....what was I thinking when I picked this day?  But any way, shortly I will be off to pick up Carol Kline who rides along with me and then on to Comlia Rose to pick up the meals.  I haven't done it for about 6 months....or so it seems....maybe only 4 months, but anyway I always look forward to seeing the receptors of the meals.  They always are so happy to see a friendly face.  So I'll have to get dressed quickly and get moving here.  But I didn't want to leave home without telling you about the wonderful yet something missing day we had yesterday.

The progressive dinner was great....we had so much fun....and even though we skyped Tom and Karen and family in Chicago, it just wasn't the same without them.  We did eat a lot, laugh a lot, talk a lot, and open a lot of presents.  Santa was a big hit too with Matthew and Nathan.  Then we opened the presents, Matthew would shout and raise his arms in the air in triumph that is was just what he wanted.  Although the clothes gave him didn't get the same reaction even though the sweats had a racoon on them (Coon Rapids is known for Rocky Racoon) the town mascot.  But the trains and Buzz Lightyear stuff was rocking!!!

As for me I got an assortment of pictures and collages of cabin pictures to dress the walls of the new addition.  And Ann and Jimbo even had a canvas done of the old Red Cabin that everyone remembers growing up with.  I can't wait to see them all hanging on the walls.  I also got some slippers and a sweater, but mostly picture related gifts and I really love them all.  Kathleen also sent me a sweater with "constance" in mind, and I love it too....can't wait to wear it. 

The chocolate fountain seemed to be a great hit, and there was talk of it coming back again next year.  The ham and scalloped potato dinner at Bill and Kims hit the spot, the soup and salads at Jimbo and Ann's were great too, Panara makes great soup!!! And the appetizers that Carrie and Jason made started the eating frenzie perfectly.  We were all so hungary to start the day, but all left stuffed by 10 p.m.  Lots of pictures got taken and I can't wait to see all of them.

Throughout the day we missed the Chicago Kiecker's.  It was quieter, took less time to open gifts, less houses to go to and just a little bit bittersweet!  Must get dressed and out of the house....Love and prayers, and a Big Thank You to all!!!  m

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Progressive Dinner Today!

Good morning, most of you have already opened all your gifts and are headed for the exchange lines, but today is my Christmas.  I start this morning with church, and then meet at Annie's at 11 a.m. to start the day.  Carrie and Jason have moved a little too far to drive to this year, so they will bring the appetizers to Annies.  We will eat and visit and then that a bunch of pictures in front of the tree.....and rush off to Jimbo and Ann's for Soup and Salad at 1:15.  Visit, eat, and take pictures and put our coats on and head to Bill and Kim's for the main course. at 3:30  Should be at my house around 5:45 and dessert.  Annie is supplying that via a chocolate fountain.  A little hot chocolate or cider and Santa arrives.  Then we finally get to have "Present Time" as Matthew so fondly calls it.  Yippee!
Yesterday was a quiet day....spoke to the Chicago Kieckers via Skype and also Nicole and all the Stalboergers in Princeton.  Then Carol Stalboerger got into the fun as Nicole downloaded Skype for her so she could use it when they get to Texas in January.
Must get my shower going.....I'll report tomorrow all the fun.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hope you all are having a very warm and blessed day.  We did manage to break the all time snow record for the month of December and we have 6 more days to make it harder to beat.  But looking out the window makes it really seem like white and pure.

Yesterday I went to the children's service at church.  It was sweet as usual, but watching a little girl two rows in front of us....stole the show....then her baby brother started smiling on his mom's shoulder and we were all smiling back.  The children's choir sang, and Mike and Laura Hannula's little Gracie was in it.  Every now and then she stole a look back at her family and would smile widely too!  I got to see and hug some people I hadn't seen in a long time, including Carol Kline.....Happy Birthday Carol!....and got to sit next to my granddaughters Nicole and Allie.

From church we (Matt and Carol...Doug's folks) went to Doug and Annie's for dinner.  She always makes Lasagna, as I did, and my mom did (good Austrian food).  I don't know why....maybe cause it went a long way for a large group.  Anyway I love the tradition.  After dinner Matthew couldn't wait any longer....he annouced it was present time.....several times....and was so excited when it finally really was "Present Time"!  Oh to be young again!!  We watched as Matthew and the girls took turns opening their gifts, and each time it was Matthews turn he would get so excited....even the PJ's didn't dampen the happiness as they had Buzz Lightyear on them.

Matt and Carol and I got presents too!  Food for our birds!!  Only I have to figure out how to get to my birdfeeder to fill is next to my livingroom window and in about three feet of snow!  I haven't refilled it since the blizzard a few weeks ago.  I may attempt it today though....walking between the house and the's only about five feet from the steps....I think I can make it without packing too much snow in my boots.  The birds will be in their glory.  Hopefully the squirrels won't find it before the birds do.

Today is a quiet day for me.  I will gather a bunch of Christmas mugs and wash them so they are ready for hot chocolate or cider tomorrow nite when we gather at my house for the arrival of Santa.  Sadly only Matthew will be excited about that....hopefully we can Skype the Chicago Kieckers' and Presley will get to see Santa too!  Maybe even sing-a-long a few Christmas Carols.

Hope you all are enjoying your families and this blessed Christmas Day!  Jim, Ann and family have headed for Rochester to spend the day with her dad.  The hospital has reserved a room big enough for all to enjoy the company of Buck.  Please continue to keep them all in your prayers.

Love and prayers, m

Friday, December 24, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Oh my gosh my dreams have come true!  It's still snowing.....I guess we've broken that all time record....Yippee....I think?!  But it really is beautiful.  Hauge's tell your mom that the little Christmas trees outside my patio door are totally covered now!  When she shows her pictures she can add that to her story. 

Well the garbage truck was able to find my can even though it was clothed in snow!!  Things are looking up for a great day!  Today the excitement and merrymaking begins!  I get to stretch mine out all the way till the 9th of Jan.  That way I get to rest a little between events.

Yesterday I cleaned and readied the house for the progressive dinner (It's really an all day event....we just stretch dinner out, with two hours at each house).  The progressive starts at 11 a.m. and end at my house for dessert (Annies Chocolate fountain) at 6 p.m. and then Santa arrives at 7 p.m.  So we really stre.....tch out dinner.  I think I'm ready for that (check) I've all the gifts wrapped (check) arranged for Santa to come a day late (check) what did I forget?

Today I will start the celebrations at church this afternoon.  Doing the childrens service that is preceded with their program.  Annie and family will be there as well as Doug's parents, Matt and Carol.  Then we will all proceed to Annie's for dinner and then the best part, as far as Matthew's concerned, will be opening presents.  Matthew already counted how many packages under his tree for him....and under my tree as well.  Five year olds are in their glory at this time of the year.  All the wonder and awe, excitement and joy!  I have to admit I'm kinda like a five-year old at this time of the year too!  Christmas and all the festivities surrounding it are my favorite time of the year.  All the love is truely felt!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.  May you feel the love of God surround and fill you.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, December 23, 2010

More Snow Coming!?!

They thought it wasn't going to come to the cities last night when I went to bed, but now they are saying it is coming back this evening and into tomorrow morning.....just in time for Christmas.  At least they are only saying a couple of big deal. Even with all the snow we had last week, we didn't have the problems that all the rain has made in California and other points west.  But we have a chance of breaking the record.

Ann has set up a CaringBridge site for her dad.  But so far it just has a few pictures, I'm sure as the day goes on they will build a wonderful site.  I think it is listed under his name space.  I talked to Jimbo a couple of times yesterday, and he reported that Buck is doing pretty well.  He's heard all the bad news and says "It is what it is!"  He will try chemo, but they want to give him a chance to recover from the surgery first.  Their whole family will go down on Saturday and spend the day with him.  Please keep them all in your prayers.

I finally finished wrapping all my packages....and now I just have to clean up after myself.  That's the plan for the day....clean, clean, clean.  I am feeling well for the shape I'm in.  Enjoying reading all the cards and letters I've received.  It's beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas.  Love and prayers to all, m

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Sun is Shining!

The Love of God is with us!  But I talked to Loretta this morning and it's still raining in California, so that probably means more snow.  Loretta's package arrived on Monday night....just in the nick of time, as she only had gotten enough meds from the pharmacy to last till then.  So she was very happy about that.  She also got a good report from her doctor on Monday so was happy about that too!

On the other hand....Ann's dad's surgery wasn't as successful as hoped.  They were able to remove the blockage....but found a lot of cancer and were not able to get it all.  So please please use your power of prayer for Bucky and his family.  Not the kind of news you want to get at Christmas.....but we do know that miracles happen.Who says Bucky can't prove them wrong too!  I was pretty upset when I heard the news yesterday, but as I prayed and thought about it, I reflected on my own situation over the past 15 years, and I became calm....feeling the love of God.  I am sure God's love will be with the Haugen family too.

Yesterday, I was able to exchange some items and then had to rebuy some at other stores as sizes I needed were not available where they were first purchased.  Trying to be careful here and not give away what I bought...people read this!!!  But anyway, now I am totally done with shopping.  Now to finish the wrapping....I'll be working on that I did none yesterday.

Also got a summons yesterday for Jury Duty the end of January....just when I am planning to go to I have asked for a postponement.....hopefully that will happen without begging.  I've asked to postpone till April or May.  I figure I should be done traveling by then....and it won't exactly be cabin weather yet.

Well, must get to that wrapping....keep those prayers coming!  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow is Done....but where is the Sun?

Woke up this morning to the drown of the snowblower.  The neighbors take such good care of me.  Unfortunately the Vikings and Brett didn't fair as well with the snow.....or was that the Bears?

For some reason which I can't figure out.....I was awake till 4 a.m.....just couldn't go to sleep. I don't think it was the game....I didn't even have a sore neck keeping me awake.  I'm sure laying in bed rests my butt, but I also had restless leg syndrome after a while.  So if it's not one thing it's another.  Several people gave me advice on what to do for my neck, and the pain went away!  It must have been the prayers....cause I haven't done the exercises yet.

Didn't wrap one package yesterday, but I did do some cleaning of my office.....where the filing was piling high.  I did cancel my appointment for Mayo....and I think it was a wise decision.  So now I await for them to call and tell me when they are rescheduling me.  I'm thinking one day next week.  I plan on doing Meals-on-Wheels on Monday, so I hope it's not that day.

Today I plan on running to exchange a few wrong sizes, and then do some more wrapping.  But other than big plans.  Maybe some more cleaning....doesn't that sound exciting?

I have some prayer requests today, Ann's father (Bucky) is having surgery today at Mayo.  He has been having stomach pain and went down on Friday to see his doctor, and yesterday he saw a surgeon, and today they are doing surgery for a blockage.  Hoping it is just that.  He will be in the hospital for 7-10 days, that means he won't be home for Christmas.  I also have a few neighbor men dealing with cancer and dialysis, so they can use your prayers too.  I'm sure all three families can use your prayers.  I know you are a strong force....I'm the proof.

Hope you are all plowed out and have a great day.  Hoping to see some Sun soon.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, December 20, 2010

More Snow Coming!

I think this is going to go down in the history books as the snowiest December in all time.  It's already snowing this morning, and they were predicting that it wouldn't happen till noon.  They were also talking about it coming down at the rate of one inch per hour.  The Vikings are about to play the first home game outside since the dome was built, and it is going to be on National TV, and the snow is going to be piled up to about 8 inches by then.  What a site this will be.

I have to go back to Mayo again tomorrow, so I am hoping the roads are plowed by the time we have to leave tomorrow morning. Uggghhhhh!  I really don't mind snow as long as I don't have to go looks really pretty and clean.  But this is getting ridiculous.

I worked all afternoon wrapping, and am still not done.  It will be another couple of days of wrapping before I'm done, and tomorrow I'll be gone soooo, it's lucky we are not opening gifts till Sunday the 26th.  I'm pretty sure I'll be done by then.  At least I got the cards in the mail yesterday...they should get delivered before Christmas.

My butt didn't appreciate all the sitting and wrapping on Saturday, so I did a lot of it standing yesterday.  But I also had Matthew here keeping me company.  So that helped too!  My neck also wasn't as sore....I slept better and only got up and took ibuprofen at 2 a.m.  I also managed to stay in bed till 9 this morning.  I talked to Kathleen yesterday, and she suggested I get one of those pillows that supports your neck....and I think that might just I'll be looking for that.  I'm thinking that sitting crooked all the time to save my butt is causing the nerve pinching in the shoulder and neck.  So helping one is hindering the other.....what is a person to do?

Well I guess you know what I'll be doing today.  I did get my laundry done and folded yesterday, so only the wrapping to do.  Then I'll be watching that Viking game from the warmth of my living room.  Love and prayers to all of you.  Stay warm, m

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Looks Like We'll see the Sun Today!

But they are talking about more snow coming in tomorrow.  I'm up early and getting ready to go to church.  Thought I would quickly write before I go.

I got almost all the laundry done, only remade one bed....but I did get my Christmas Cards done....that meant writing and printing 75 letters signing all of them and then addressing, stamping and putting return addresses on.  Oh, and I wrote some personal notes as well.  When I got that done, I started on the wrapping....however, doesn't feel like I even put a dent in that.  I'm sure I will be wrapping all week.

That's what I'll be doing again today after I get back from church.  My neck is still a minor pain during the night....doesn't seem to bother me much while I'm butt was really sore last night after all the wrapping and sitting to do that.  I'll try to do more standing or laying today.

Well must get my shower and dressed for church.  Have a good day.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nothing to do but Wrap!!

Well....I guess I didn't do any laundry yesterday either.  But I was really a busy lady.  I left home at 9:15 a.m. and took Aunt Loretta to the airport, stopped at Home Depot, Victoria Secret, PacSun, the Post Office, HealthPartners pharmacy, Cub and McDonalds and was back home at Noon.  But I have all my Christmas shopping done.  Early in the afternoon, I got a call from my sister Kathleen, wondering if Loretta got her clothes?  I was really confused, cause I got her suitcase and walker out and checked them right at the curb and got Loretta a wheelchair and she was all on her way when I drove away....but evidently she shortly realized that I had her carryon bag with all her meds etc. still in the backseat of my car,  So once I realized that I went out and retrieved it and emptied all the stuff into a box and ran to the Post Office.  I guess Pandora has already made arrangements with the pharmacy to get her enough pills to last her till the box gets there,...atleast I hope so!

So that is why I didn't get anything else accomplished yesterday, I was all warn out after that!  But I was really happy that I was able to make it all the way to the airport and back without too much problem with my butt.  I think all the shopping after wasn't too smart....but my butt didn't complain too much!

I'll be wrapping presents for a few days now, and I'll set up shop in the basement so I can do the laundry at the same time.  It'll work great.   I did work on my Christmas letter while I was resting my butt last night, so it looks like I may get it out before Christmas....things are looking up.

I've included a picture of Loretta in front of a snowbank....she wanted to show it off to all her friends in California.  Hope you enjoy it.  I miss her already!  But she did call and give me a bad time about the suitcase last night after they finally let the plane land.  Evidently the bad weather is following her...,it was raining so hard they circled for about an hour before landing.  It's supposed to rain all weekend...they are talking about 5 inches by Sunday evening.  I'm sure the snow was her fault too!

Love and prayers to all, m

Friday, December 17, 2010

Loretta's Leaving Today!

Hope she has a good trip home.  But we talked to Michael last night, and he said they were predicting 5 inches of rain by Sunday, so the weather isn't going to be much better there.....well it will be warmer....just a different kind of precipitation.

I will be taking her to the airport in an hour, then I have some errands like going to the post office to mail Kathleen's present....have a prescription to pickup....just a regular refill of my cholesterol med....and then I have a couple of gift certificates to pickup and I'll be done shopping.  I also have a pile of laundry to do...but I have all weekend to do that....while I'm wrapping presents.  Yikes Christmas is next week.

Sharyl and Donny Boes have agreed to drive me to Mayo on Tuesday.....Thank YOU, THANK YOU.  This will be their third trip with me.  Way above the call of duty.  But great neighbors.  They leave next week for Arizona, so I'll lose their generosity for the winter.,  Luckily I have a few other neighbors who stick around and help me out with snowblowing etc.

Last night I slept much better.  My neck didn't bother me till about 4 a.m. when I got up for medicine, and then I was sleeping sound when Loretta knocked on my door at 8 a.m.  Now I have to get dressed and off to the airport.  Driving to Janet's yesterday 35 minutes I did fine....I'm hoping the same for this trip.

Loved the mini Cousins Christmas....after all the cancellations this weekend, we actually got 8 of the 30 or more who planned on being there on Saturday, together.,  Annies pizsa was to die for like we knew!!! Loretta got to see her granddaughter Kim and her husband Tom, and a good time was had by all.

Well I better get dressed and get moving here.  Lots to do.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wisconsin is Calling!

Well not literally, but today we finally get to go to Annie's restaurant in Colfax.  Snow is not going to stop us today.  We in the northern suburbs and Wisconsin didn't get any of that new white fluffy stuff....however, Judy in Shakopee  and points South and West got a few inches.  Judy and I are meeting at Janet and Randy's place, and Judy will leave her car there and take over driving for me.  Janet may join us, but don't know that for sure.  John and Flo will bring Loretta up from Portage, and Kim Weimer (Loretta's granddaughter) will come from Menomonee, and we will all have lunch at Annie's.  A mini Cousin's Christmas.  Finally!!!

My butt is feeling pretty good this morning, I was able to pull out the gauze packing without any pain or problems.  Hopefully the trip to Janet's will go well too.  My biggest problem lately has been my continues to be a problem for sleeping, and I'm considering seeing a chiropractor.  It's so strange cause laying in the back of the van on our way down to Mayo didn't bother me at all, but as soon as I went to bed the pinched nerve starts to act up, and I can't find an angle to lay my head without pain.  I've started getting up during the night and taking more ibuprofen and then in a few hours when I fall to sleep it's only for a few hours, and then I'm tossing around trying to find a spot that doesn't make it hurt.  It puts my arm to sleep or feels like it is starting to. Don't know what to do!

Still looking for a ride to Mayo on the 21st. of Tuesday.  Rita Culshaw wrote and said she couldn't....she has two Christmas parties....afraid that is par for the course the week before Christmas.  Hope someone out there can help.  Judy leaves to go back to California along with Loretta on Friday.  She has proven to be a great driver....and caretaker for me.  Thank you, Thank you, Judy.  I hope not to have to repay you in the same manner.  Stay healthy and well.

Of to see the wizard....we'll follow the yellow brick road or I94.  Love and prayers, m


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Off to Mayo Once Again

I don't have time to write much, but I will come home and update you all on my visit.  Judy and I are about to drive down....need to jump in the shower and get dressed.  See you later.  m

I'm home, we made a mad dash home, as they were predicting snow again, and Judy had to drive back to Shakopee once she got me home.  But so far so snow yet.

My appointment went well, cept the doctor was much more aggresive with her procedure of scraping it out and cauterizing it.  She did it once and then packed it with gauze for 10 minutes or so, and then came back and did it over again and then really packed it deep and told me to leave the packing in place for 24 hours.  Put some more gauze on the outside, and sent me on my way....only to have to return next Tuesday, Dec. 21.  Any volunteers for driving?  Judy won't be here and Janet is already taking me down on Jan. 4 and 5 when I have to return for CTscan as well as have my butt looked at.  What a pain this is going down every week or so.

Had a very nice evening last night.  First went shopping, then met the FF ladies and had a cup of coffee with them.  Then headed for Greenhaven and the North Suburban Women's Club Christmas party.  So nice to see those who I've not seen since last Christmas.  Don't think I made one meeting after that, and this was the first for this year.  Hope to join them next month for a play at Lyric Arts in Anoka.

When I got home, Judy was already here making herself at home.  We watched the final of the Biggest Loser, and then hit the beds so we could get up early this morning and head to Rochester for a 10:15 appointment.  So now I'll take it easy for the rest of the afternoon, and rest up for our trip to Colfax tomorrow to pickup Aunt Loretta.  We are meeting them at Annie's restuarant (spot the Christmas Party was supposed to be held) and having lunch with Kim Weimer (Loretta's granddaughter).  Should be a great long as we don't get too much snow tonight.  So far the sun is still shining.  Hope you are having a great day, Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Forgotten Blog!

I got up late this morning, the first morning alone for a few days, so I took advantage of it.  I then got right to work on the computer and telephone, making arrangements for Judy and my trip to Mayo tomorrow, and then our trip to Wisconsin on Thursday to pick up Loretta.  I got that all arranged and went onto ordering prescription refill and paying some bills, eating lunch, and finally got a email from Judy asking if I'd forgotten the blog, and OMG I had!!

I have a Christmas party this evening with the North Suburban Women's Club, but first have to do some shopping and also meet with my "Frist Friday" friends. I double booked myself for the evening, but FF group meets at 5:30 at Riverdale restuarant, and the other is at 6:30 at Greenhaven Country Club only about another 3 miles down the road.  So I'll do some shopping at Riverdale, have a drink with the FF group and then go on to the Women's Club party. 

Then when I get home, Judy is coming and spending the night with me, as she is driving me down to Mayo in the morning, and we have to leave at 8 we figured rather than get up super early and having her drive up here in the morning, it would work better this way.  Then on Thursday we will meet in Richfield at Janets (maybe she will come along) and drive to Annie's restuarant in Colfax to pickup Loretta.  John and Flo have to drive up to Annie's anyway, so we luck out and don't have to drive as we get to have lunch at Annies....where we were supposed to have that Cousin's Christmas during the storm last weekend.  We have invited Kim Weimer, Loretta's granddaughter who lives near Colfax, to meet us for lunch too. Loretta will get to see her too!  So things are working out pretty well for Loretta.  She has gotten to see a lot of the relatives disspite the weather.

That's my day in a nutshell.  Hope you are having a great day, the sun is shining!!!  Love and prayers, m

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bright and Brisk

The sun is shining brightly, but it's 6 below zero this morning.  Unfortunately, both Loretta and I have to go out into it.  Lucky for Loretta, Judy and Janet are picking her up in a warm car and taking her to meet John and Flo in Osseo, WI at a restaurant called the Norski Nook.  I hear they make good pie there.  I on the other hand have a funeral to go to this morning, and a hair appointment this afternoon.

Yesterday, we had a very enjoyable day.  Judy and Rita came to visit and helped eat the poppy strudel. I'm sending the rest to Wisconsin with Loretta.  Have to get it out of the house before I eat it all myself. Phil and Jason say they will be eating egg salad sandwiches all week.  He had made two and a half dozen deviled eggs to the cancelled party. 

Jimbo and Jack stopped over yesterday morning to get my snowblower that Donny (neighbor) had already came and got earlier.  I guess Donny told Jimbo that he was about to ask me if he could buy it....but Jimbo said he beat him to it.  Both of them had snowblowers that had died earlier in the day.  I did manage to get Donny and Sharyl to eat some of my poppy strudel and made Jimbo and Jack at least taste it.  They ate their little bite size piece....and said it tasted okay.  Donny however said it was wonderful.

Well, I must get some makeup on and get ready for the day.  Going to be a busy week.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Cousin Karen

Your mom wanted me to please wish you a Happy Birthday for her too!

Well the party got cancelled once again!!! Seems like that is the theme for this Christmas!!  But Loretta and I are doing fine.  I got an email from Phil, and he says "Bet you can't guess what Jason and I are having for lunch this week?"  I can guess! Deviled Eggs, Loretta and I are having Poppy Strudel.  But I've already been able to give a plate of it to the neighbors, now we only have 1 1/.2 pans of it left....anyone interested in helping us eat it....or see Aunt Loretta is welcome to visit this afternoon.  That is if you can get out of your driveway....or street.  I happen to have mine all freshly shoveled and the street is already plowed.....Come and get it!!! 

So far we're still in our pj's watching the Hallmark channel.  Don't have plans for much else.  Read the paper and maybe watch the Vikings?  or was that cancelled too?  I remember hearing something about that on the news last night.  But at least I can watch my fantasy football scores.  I think I play Tommy this week. 

Think I will get dressed tomorrow....I have a funeral and a hair appointment.  We also have to figure out how to get Aunt Loretta to visit her brother John and Flo.  Right now I94 the interstate is closed from Hudson to we couldn't get their if we wanted.  John has already called, and he says it's still snowing in Portage.  Should be a busy week....I don't think they will cancel that! 

Check out the pictures I added last night....we got more snow after I took those.  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jack and Grandma on his 18th Birthday and snow pictures

2010 Christmas Tree

Snowy driveway

Patrio table set with snow

These were 3 trees decorated with lights about 18 inches tall.

Snow and icicles handing off the roof.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful.....well it would be if I had a fireplace....the furnace seems to be a good substitute.  The snow is coming down just like they predicted, and this morning they have predicted that we on the North side of town are going to get the largest numbers of snow.

When I got up around 8 a.m., I walked out to see Loretta sleeping on the couch with the TV blarring....I hope she hasn't been there long, but 45 minutes later she is still sleeping.  She found my spot and blanket works well.  We can't go anywhere anyway!

I've developed a crick in my neck....from laying and proping my self up with that left arm.....must be pinching something.....thought sleeping would help....but it's still there this morning.  You'd think with all the ibuprofen and tylenol I'm taking, it would help.....not so.

I think Loretta and I will bake, wrap presents and stuff like that today....not going to be making any snow angels,  I guess she'll talk me into some more Yatzee....even though she beat me another 5 out of 6 games yesterday.  I did manage to win one BIG.  I got 3 Yatzee's in one game....however, she managed to win all the others.  I couldn't spread the points around.

It actually does look beautiful outside, and I have seen a few cars moving on Foley Blvd. (the main thoroughfare at my corner).  So all is well on the home front!  Love and prayers, stay warm and dry!  m

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm

Sorry I'm late.....slept late.....I guess I'm not that late writing, just late sleeping!!!!  Felt good.  The sun is trying to come out, and it is only in the teens but should be in the 20's today, and then tonight the storm comes....they are predicting 6 - 9 inches here and even worse in Wisconsin.....12+ inches.  Loretta says we didn't need to get this much for her visit.  We've had to postpone the Cousin's Christmas Party in Wisconsin.  We moved it from Sat. to Sunday.  Hopefully the road will be clear and dry by then.

We didn't do much after going to the brunch yesterday morning.  Funny story about that:  Last month I went for the first time, and they have a basket that they collect the names of all the first timers, and then draw one out and give them a ticket for the next months brunch....Last month I won.....this month they drew out Loretta's name, but we told them that she was from CA and wouldn't be here next they drew another name.  Unfortunately she couldn't do the same kind of luck with the weather.

I need to go back to Mayo again next Wednesday, and am in need for a driver again.  Rita Culshaw had volunteered last time I asked, but I already had a driver....she can't do it this month, she already had a party planned for that morning.  That seasonal party thing is hard to get around at this time of the year.  But if anyone is available, you can use my van....then I can lay in back.....I'd really appreciate it.

Today I get a visit from the Avon lady, and also have to pick up a few provisions so Loretta and I have something to eat when we are snowed in tomorrow.  Nothing else....just a quite day all around.  I suppose Loretta and I will get a few rounds of Yatzee in.....yesterday she beat me 4 out of 5 games.  Why am I such a loser?  Even Matthew, the Master, beats me!  Oh Well, I win at a lot of other things in life.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Great Day in the Morning!

No sun....but I have Loretta gracing my home.  We are off to a brunch and will come back and write before noon.  See you and prayers, m

We're home.....had a great brunch and heard some beautiful Christmas music and a beautiful story from a story teller.  Was good food too!

Loretta was really surprised last nite when Judy met her at her gate as she got off the plane.....Judy's plane had come in earlier and she waited inside the security area for only passengers till Loretta's plane arrived....she made sure they got her a wheelchair and went with her all the way to baggage.  Then Janet came and picked them up and brought them to my house.  I had a Colo-rectal Support Group Christmas Party at 5:30, and beat them home by about 5 minutes.  I had dinner ready for them, and we all sat and visited while they ate.  During that time, Elaine and Michael both called to make sure she was okay.  We were happy to reply that she was just fine and having a great time.  She is amazed at all the white outside...but not thrilled with the cold that goes with it.  Janet borrowed her a pair of warm boots that I made her put on this morning, and I warmed up the car before we got all went well.

No more excitement for the day.....tomorrow we may bake a coffee cake to take along on Saturday.  It's supposed to be snowing everyday for the next three days, so the trip to Wisconsin should be fun.  My butt seems to be weathering all this partying so far.....I'm sure it will continue to heal....even though so much more slowly then I'd hoped.  All is well.  Love ya all, m

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Loretta Arrives Today!

and hopefully she will bring some warm weather....although it doesn't seem likely that even the amount she can stuff in her suitcase will help us in the frozen north.  But the sun is shinning and they are planning a slight warm up....must be what Loretta has in her suitcase.

I almost forgot....after St. Nick and St. Ambrose is a Holy day of obligation....Sandi Schieber's birthday!!!  Love ya Sandi...Happy Birthday.

I finished decorating the tree and did some cleaning and laundry yesterday, all before going to card club last night, and I really felt well and not so sore as I was last week.  I really think the antibiotics are working!

Today I have some shopping to do and a little tweeking of the house so I'm ready for the company this evening.  Before they arrive, I have another Christmas party to attend.  My colo-rectal cancer support group.  This one requires a white elephant, and I'm having a hard time deciding which one to wrap.

Last night at Card Club, we had real presents, we each bring 7 little gifts (about a dollar each) and then a bigger one ($10-15) to exchange.  Everyone comes up with cleaver small items and last night was no exception.  I came home with a bag full of wonderful things.  Thank you to all of you.  I know you are reading this.  I also will go searching for the ribbon that Twylla claims they don't make anymore,,,,,there has to be someone making it.  She crocheted us each a necklace out of it, and I'd love to duplicate I will hunt high and low.

Well must get started on this day!  It looks like it will be a good one.  Love and prayers, m

P.S. John the evangelist says, "God is love." Abide in love, live it, and you abide and live in God.   I feel a whole lot of it coming my way!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Feast of St. Ambrose!

How many Ambrose's do you know?  I bet I know more....Grandpa Amby, my brother William Ambrose, my son William Ambrose, my grandson Jack Ambrose and Gary (my brother-in-law) Couillard's dad Ambrose.  Hope I didn't miss any.  Anyway it was always another day for my dad to celebrate....but he really didn't need an excuse to celebrate.

I went to lunch yesterday with the retiree's....don't think there was any wannabee's there...but a large group of us showed up.  Great catching up on everyone.  I did a little shopping on my way home, and then Bonnie showed up to discuss our trip to Florida.  I think we will be leaving about the 24th of January, and slowly working our way from house to house.  Going to stop at Tom and Karen's the first night, hotel the next, Joe and Sandi's for a couple, Linda and Jim's for a couple, timeshare a couple, hopefully Jim Gendreaus for a few, timeshare another couple and then head back home.  So we're firming it up pretty well.  Got lots of people we can visit along the way.

Last night I started puttingh the tinsel on my's starting to look pretty hope is to finish it today. Then I have to wrap some gifts for tonights Card Club party.  Four of us were at lunch yesterday, or half of the club is retired....actually only two of the eight are still working.....young things.

I'm not sure why, but my butt felt so much better yesterday, don't know if it is the antibiotics taking hold.....or maybe the extra Tylenol.....or the Dreft bath I took the night before.  Whatever it was....I hope it continues.

Just got interrupted by a call from Uncle John and Flo...making last minute details for the Cousins Christmas next Saturday.  Aunt Loretta arrives tomorrow and she will be staying with them from Saturday til the following Thursday.  So lots of fun and excitement this week.  I have a Christmas party everyday cept Friday this week.  Next week isn't much the fun begins.  Hope you all have a great day, love and prayers, m

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

When I was working, I used to place bags of chocolate coins on the desks of co-workers (who were mostly women) on this day, and give them a little story about St. Nicholas and how he saved a widowers daughters from prostitution by secretly leaving them a bag of gold coins.  Yesterday as I was putting out my Christmas decorations I found a Holy card and it had an image of St. Nick and on the back was this poem:
St. Nicholas, holy patron of children
saintly and generous bishop,
inspire us to give gifts
of ourselves and our time.
Give us your blessing 
so that we might fill with sincerity
each greeting we speak and send.
Smiling saint of sweets and toys
help us stay youthful and mirthful,
playful and joyful so that we can celebrate 
every day as Christmas.
Patron Saint of generosity,
arounse us to an evergreen extravagance
in loving and in giving gifts
to those we love and to the poor.
Paran of the un-thanked,
who always slips away
before you can be thanked
incite us to be like you.
"Spirit of Christmas" poem by Edward Hays.

I really loved it and had to share with all of you.  Hope all of you were good and St. Nick was good to you.

Yesterday, Bill, Kim, Katie and Tommy, came to help me finish up on the decorating.  Grandma's halls are pretty well decked now.  I still have to put tinsel on the tree, but that is a job only I can do....I've never taught anyone else how to put it on.  I'm kinda anal in that matter (if I can be that without one..hehe). The house looks and smells really nice.

My Vikings did win yesterday, but I'm afraid my fantasy football team won't do the same.  I'm ahead right now, but Katie has 2 players left to play this evening, and I'm sure they will score enough points to beat me.  I'm only ahead by 3 points.

I'm going to lunch today with the retiree's and wannabees.  So should get to see a few I haven't seen for awhile.  I also got a call from Bonnie Sass this morning, and she is coming to start making some more plans for our trip to Florida in January.

Time to get to you tomorrow....Love and prayers, m 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Eve of St. Nicholas

Don't know about your family, but St. Nick is alive and well in our family and he's packing his bags to deliver this evening.  So you better be good!

Ann and Jimbo, Annie and Allie, Jack, Nick and Matthew all came yesterday to help Deck Grandma's Halls, but I still have lots to do.  Got both of the trees up and partially decorated, but none of my snowmen are displayed and lots of Angels are waiting to see the light of day.  By 2 p.m. all cept Matthew were gone.

Matthew spent the afternoon with me, and I spent most of the time on the couch for the rest of the day.  I'm always a little more wiped out the day after my trips to Rochester.  My butt is still aching, but I manage to get around pretty well.  It's still the sitting that is a problem.  I'm afraid this may go on for a while.  It is pretty slow to heal.

I got up and went to church this morning, no oversleeping this week!  So I'm off to a good start for the day.  Now lets hope the Vikings and my Fantasy Football team do well too!  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snowy Snowy Day!

Wow....Aunt Loretta is really going to be greeted with a lot of snow.  We got about 7 or 8 inches, but the SW suburbs got 10 inches.  It really is beautiful.  I awoke to the sound of a snowblower blowing out my drive-way.  The neighbor who drove me to Rochester yesterday, along with his wife, was blowing it out.  No his wife wasn't helping with the drive-way, she road along to Rochester with me yesterday.

I have been in the habit of paying for the parking and treating my hosts to lunch, but Donny grabbed the bill yesterday and said it was my Christmas I wonder what the drive-way was.  I am so lucky to have such wonderful neighbors taking care of me.

The kids are coming to help me decorate and put up my two Christmas trees.  I am baking cookies as a treat for them this morning.  I have hot chocolate and apple cider too.  I'm looking forward to the day.  My butt seems to be better this morning, but I have gone back to taking Tylenol and of course I just got out of I've been off it for 9 hours.

If you didn't read my update you may want to read that .....I just added it to the first entry for yesterday.  I updated it really late.....and I forgot to call Aunt Loretta, so will have to do that this morning as well.  Love and prayers to you all, m

Friday, December 3, 2010

Off to Mayo Once Again

No time to write a long blog....if you want to check back later I'll report on my day when I get home.  Another storm in coming,.,,so we will try to outrun it.  It is supposed to start snowing in the cities this afternoon, but we are headed south so who knows what we'll run into.  Donny isn't afraid of off we go. Love, m

I'm home!  Actually got home before the snow started and had to run to HealthPartners to fill a prescription for antibiotics I got at Mayo this morning, and then I went to fill my tank with gas...with the thought of beating the snow, but it started while I was getting the prescription filled. They are predicting about 5 or 6 inches this time. Then I got home and made dinner and played on the computer and answered some emails.  Judy wrote and asked if I was okay, and I promised her I would hurry up and finally post this.

I complained to the doctor that I thought my pain in the butt was worse and that the drainage was a different consistency than the clear liquid it had been.  I also had excuses for the soreness...I had been more active and sitting up a lot more than usual....and I also stopped taking Tylenol a few weeks ago so maybe that was the reason.  The doctor didn't think it looked any redder than it had 10 days ago, and thought it might be a bit smaller, but decided to be safe and put me back on antibiotics for another 10 days.  She also said I might want to start taking the Tylenol again.  Then cleaned it and coated it with silver nitrate again....packed me with gauze and sent me on my way.  I have to go back again in 11 days and I'm sure she will repeat the process again.  So I still have a "Pain in the Butt" but at least I'm not a pain in the butt.  So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Thanks for coming back and reading!  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Sun is Shining for Jack's 18th Birthday

Wow....I have an 18 year old grandson today!!!  And a great one at that!  Happy Birthday Jack!

Tonight they are celebrating by going to the Hollidazzle Parade downtown.  Then following with pizza at Pizza Flame like when he was little.  But knowing how my neuropothy is so much worse in the cold....I think I may just do the Pizza Flame part.  I still have the numbness in my fingers and feet which is emphasized by the cold.  It came from the chemo I had last spring, and I actually have to wait till the nerves grow back to make it go away.  I can't imagine standing outside in the cold for an hour.

I got my groceries yesterday and finished picking up Jack's gift.  But other than that, I didn't accomplish much....a nap...made a hotdish from leftovers and some hamburger...wrapped his present...and that's about it.  Did manage to get the 2 days mail....picked up Tuesdays on my way to the grocery store, and then on my way back I got Wednesdays mail.  I did get one of the packages I ordered online last that is pretty quick.  The other item I ordered I was after the fact notified is on back who knows when that will come. Ironically it is for Will....who got his birthday present late as well.

Nothing much planned for the daylight hours today....and tomorrow I head back to Mayo to have my butt looked at.  I don't really feel like it is getting any better.  I'll see what they say.....I think I'll just see the surgeon's assistant so I don't know if she'll do anything either.  Keep those prayers coming, m

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Promise of a Better Day!

But I have yet to see the sun.  It is cold and breezy out there....but I'll venture out today to buy's becoming a necessity.

I sat a lot yesterday, and by the time I went to bed last night my butt was really I need to stay off it as much as I can today.  Shopping should help.  I never even got dressed yesterday, the neighbor, Donny Boes, blew out my drive-way....and his wife Sharyl called around 5 p.m. and asked if I'd eaten yet....I said no, and so she came over with a container of warm turkey rice soup she had made.  While she was here I scarfed it down.  As I wasn't dressed I haven't picked up the mail yet either.  But I'll get it as I drive by on my way to the grocery store.  I did get some things done yesterday, like the laundry, washed, folded and put away.  I brought out my Christmas table cloth and runner and put that on too.

It was such a good idea that I cancelled my appointment for yesterday....on the news they said that Coon Rapids/Anoka area of the Metro got the worst of the snow and ice.  We had several accidents on Hwy 10 which is what we needed to take all the way into downtown St. Paul.  Thank You God for making that good decision.  As I was just typing this, the Chevy commercial came on that is singing "You are my Sunshine".  I'm sure that must be a sign that he is watching me.

Nothing exciting or new, so I guess I better get in the shower and start moving.  Love and prayers, m