Monday, January 10, 2011

Even more Snow!

It warms up a little.....and then it snows!!  We can't win!!!  I just called they have me scheduled for appointments on Friday, and the weather report says maybe a bigger snow event is predicted for then.  I don't have a volunteer to drive me then either.  But I'll wait till I talk to Dr. Nelson's assistant and see what can be plan B.  I will be looking for a driver whenever it is.

Yesterday I went to church and rallied the spot removers I have there, and I got an email from Karen, in Switzerland, who came up with the idea of adopting out my spots last year.  She has come up with 7 more volunteers that are confirmed to be really good at cleaning spots!  I really thank all of you for coming to my aid....everytime I call....which seems to be often.

The baby shower was very nice....and very emotional too!  Carrie is so bubbly and happy and so beautiful as a pregnant women.  Annie, Kim and their daughters Nicole and Katie picked me up and we headed to the shower around noon.  We were asked to decorate with fabric paint little onezies for the new baby when we arrived, as there were so many of us, Annie and Kim did one, I did one and Nicole and Katie did one.  They hung them on a clothes line to dry, and it was a very cute decoration for the big party room.  Later, they announced winners....the top 4....and Nicole and Katie got 2nd place...."Spit Happens...."  Then they had several other games that each table worked on as groups.  Our table won one of those as well, and we each got a prize.  We had good food, and a good time was had by all.  Opening the gifts is when Carrie got emotional....cried at many of the cards and cried when trying to thank people....but they were tears of joy and love!  One of her friends is a photographer and took pregnancy photo's of her and Jason, and framed for her a 8 X 10 picture of her pregnant belly.  It was so cool....then she put together a slide show of all the photo's she took and played it for everyone at the end of the shower.  What a wonderful gift.

Today I have lunch planned with the retirees and wannabees from the college.  Since I skipped Saturday nights get together, I really want to go today.  No other plans....just wait for Mayo to call so I can discuss my plans for the next couple of weeks and tell them about the trip I have planned for the end of the month.  It's coming quick....less than two weeks I leave. 

Ann and Jimbo and family finally got to celebrate Christmas with her dad with the traditional mush and sauerkraut and spareribs on the menu.  I guess this was a very wonderful, emotional and special afternoon and evening for them all.  Please keep them all in your prayers too!

For now....Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I'm sorry this year has started out with disappointing news about the spots. Unless we're being issued new spots I'll keep my #39.

    It was great seeing you and everyone else at Annie's place. Wish we could get together like that more often.

    Sending love and prayers,
    Kim Weimer
