How many Ambrose's do you know? I bet I know more....Grandpa Amby, my brother William Ambrose, my son William Ambrose, my grandson Jack Ambrose and Gary (my brother-in-law) Couillard's dad Ambrose. Hope I didn't miss any. Anyway it was always another day for my dad to celebrate....but he really didn't need an excuse to celebrate.
I went to lunch yesterday with the retiree's....don't think there was any wannabee's there...but a large group of us showed up. Great catching up on everyone. I did a little shopping on my way home, and then Bonnie showed up to discuss our trip to Florida. I think we will be leaving about the 24th of January, and slowly working our way from house to house. Going to stop at Tom and Karen's the first night, hotel the next, Joe and Sandi's for a couple, Linda and Jim's for a couple, timeshare a couple, hopefully Jim Gendreaus for a few, timeshare another couple and then head back home. So we're firming it up pretty well. Got lots of people we can visit along the way.
Last night I started puttingh the tinsel on my's starting to look pretty hope is to finish it today. Then I have to wrap some gifts for tonights Card Club party. Four of us were at lunch yesterday, or half of the club is retired....actually only two of the eight are still working.....young things.
I'm not sure why, but my butt felt so much better yesterday, don't know if it is the antibiotics taking hold.....or maybe the extra Tylenol.....or the Dreft bath I took the night before. Whatever it was....I hope it continues.
Just got interrupted by a call from Uncle John and Flo...making last minute details for the Cousins Christmas next Saturday. Aunt Loretta arrives tomorrow and she will be staying with them from Saturday til the following Thursday. So lots of fun and excitement this week. I have a Christmas party everyday cept Friday this week. Next week isn't much the fun begins. Hope you all have a great day, love and prayers, m
See you tomorrow night. I am excited to see Aunt Loretta's face when she gets off the plane. I have 2 projects to work on so I think the time will pass quickly. jv